Medical addresses for the healthcare market

Address databases are the economic currency of the future

Customer support and service

Specialist provider of medical addresses

ArztData AG has specialised in address management in the health market since 2001. We offer doctors' addresses, as well as addresses of all dentists, pharmacies, hospitals, healthcare professionals and other healthcare facilities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for direct marketing, analyses, referrer marketing, invoice processing, service centres, and much more besides.

With our address database of approx. 530,000 data records, we cover 99 percent of the addresses in healthcare management. Improve your data quality and reach new customers with the comprehensive medical addresses of ArztData AG! Our customer account managers will be delighted to support you with specialist knowledge from the health services sector.

Your advantages

  • Effective marketing due to optimum address quality
  • Addresses in Excel or CSV format, optimised for mailing campaigns
  • Individual address products and potential uses
  • Tailored selection results suited for your intended purpose
  • Measurable success through cost reduction
  • Reach the target group without scattering losses

ArztData shop - fully up-to-date addresses

Our medical database contains all the professional groups in the German health services sector. In our online shop, you have the option of putting together a tailored offer! You will then receive the ordered addresses in an Excel file by email as standard.


Our quality features

  • Top quality, fully up-to-date addresses
  • Daily data acquisition and updates
  • Compliant with EU GDPR and the FDPA (BDSG)
  • Highest priority placed on data protection and security
  • Comprehensive selection criteria and added features
  • Economic, technical and regional criteria

Address products of ArztData AG

You can purchase or lease addresses from us, or acquire them for one-time use.

Purchase medical addresses: Your order options with ArztData AG

You can purchase all addresses from the medical and health services sector from us. We have a range of options for you:

  1. Simply visit our Online-Shop and select the addresses you require for your campaigns according to a range of criteria.
  2. Use our contact form to register, and let us know what we can do for you.
  3. Give us a call. We will advise you personally, and we would be delighted to receive your order:
    Customer support and service; Tel. +49 40 8222052-0

Feel free to request a non-binding offer.

With us, you also have the option of acquiring doctors’ addresses and more in a range of packages. You can purchase or lease addresses from us, or use them for a single campaign. Depending on the address subscription, we also process returns for you and manage objections – in other words those addresses that do not wish to receive further material from you. We naturally strictly comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – for your security.


The features of our address databases

  • Doctors’ addresses and more, for correct billing addresses
  • Dental and doctors’ practice addresses with specialisations and focuses of expertise
  • Addresses of all healthcare professionals for optimum mailing and postal campaigns
  • Pharmacy and hospital addresses with personal points of contact
  • ...and numerous possible combinations for your successful campaigns

The volume potential of our structure database

  • The total data portfolio stands at 530,000 medical addresses.
  • With this, we cover 99 percent of the medical addresses in the health services segment.
  • We have a telephone number for 99 percent of the medical addresses.
  • We have a fax number for 80 percent of the medical addresses.
  • You will receive email addresses for 70 percent of the medical addresses.
  • Do you have any further specific wishes? No problem. Please get in touch with us.

High quality addresses for the medical and health services sectors

  • All medical addresses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
  • Fully up-to-date addresses for all professional groups, such as dentists, clinics, healthcare professionals.
  • Our own specialist address editors, who review the addresses regularly.
  • So that we obtain top quality addresses with numerous different criteria, such as specialisations, focuses, and more.
  • Fewer than 0.1 % duplicates in the medical address database
Customer support and service


Purchase doctors’ and dentists’ addresses with a quality guarantee
We are constantly further developing our service expertise. Our aim is to deliver all services promptly, with optimum quality and to the benefit of the customer.